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(You were probably forwarded to here from my Imperial College home page).

About my research and teaching at Imperial College

I completed my Doctoral studies in September 2016 under the supervision of Dr Krysia Broda and Professor Alessandra Russo. I was part of the Structured and Probabilistic Intelligent Knowledge Engineering (SPIKE) group and my research is centred on the development of novel methods for ontological reasoning in the presence of inconsistencies. A short paper introducing our work in this field is available at LPAR 20: Reasoning in the presence of inconsistency through Preferential ALC.

I was involved in teaching throughout my PhD and completed a PGCert in University Learning and Teaching in 2014. I was variously involved in teaching both undergraduate and postgraduate courses including: Automated Reasoning, Software Engineering for Industry, Software Engineering Design, Software Engineering Practice, Prolog and HiPEDs Academic writing. My teaching responsibilities also included the supervision of undergraduate and post graduate student projects.

I have now returned to industry and can be contacted here at Semantic Forge